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Pra ctising Lea rning and Development in South African Organis a tions 4e offers an outcomes-ba s ed, occupa tion-directed and work-ba s ed L&D approa ch to workpla ce lea rning design. Integra ting theoretica l and pra ctica l pers pectives, this book gives a comprehensive overview of the Na tiona l Skills Development Framework. It further pres ents a new chapter on online lea rning design which ca ters to the needs of a digita l s ociety. An upda ted overview of s kills development legisla tion and the implica tions for workpla ce lea rning design, delivery, a ss essment, eva lua tion and qua lity a ss urance in the South African context • •Insight into the ps ychology of adult lea rning, motiva tion and performance •Guides students and L&D professiona ls through the cla ssica l Dynamic Lea rning Cycle Pra ctica l guidelines for both modern online lea rning design and outcomes and work-ba s ed lea rning design, delivery, a ss essment and eva lua tion • Explores the dynamics and methods of effective lea rning and development needs ana lysis, and how a needs ana lysis informs the workpla ce s kills plan • •Explores L&D management from an HRD stra tegic and va lue-adding pers pective Guides L&D professiona ls rega rding the profession, ethica l standa rds and va lues, and their continued professiona l development

Practicing Learning and Development in South African Organisations

SKU: 9781485132608
  • Practicing Learning and Development in South African Organisations

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