Sushi in a Thunderstorm is an exquisite 80-page collection of poems, playful and poignant observations of the day-to-day. The varied selection includes structured haiku, and free verse. Melanie’s poems reframes realities with refreshing perspective, a visceral interaction with rhythm, rhyme, image, and metre.
Sushi in a Thunderstorm jibes at coffee culture, reflects on socio-political discomfort, opens challenging topics for discussion and dissection, from grief to jubilation. Her writing is informed and considered.
Set in a convenient format with easy-to-read font, Sushi in a Thunderstorm is easy to navigate. Poems invite pocket-sized introspection and delight.
Sushi in a Thunderstorm by Melanie Williss
- Sushi in a Thunderstorm by Melanie Williss