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The Halo and the Noose: The Power of story-telling and story-listening in Business Life (co-authored) by Dorian Haarhoff.


The Halo and the Noose offers an innovative approach to the stories that beat in the heart of an organisation. Here are techniques and practical applications. At a deeper level the book shows a way of being in business and doing business. The book will raise your Story IQ, so you can hear and tell your work life in a new and vital way. 

The authors set out their complex and important themes with an impressive directness and clarity.  They achieve this, by the simple, persuasive device of practising what they preach.  For the narrative moves between argument and story in a seamless way which argues a deep but unobtrusive scholarship in the literatures, cultures and traditions of many societies.

The Halo and the Noose (co-authored) by Dorian Haarhoff

SKU: 9780620396998
  • Dr Dorian Haarhoff, storyteller, poet, speaker, energiser, word-shop facilitator and mentor, is passionate about developing innate creativity and imagination in personal and professional life. He believes in the power of words, stories and images to create new realities. He believes in the ability of people to revitalise their workplace, build their communities, participate in their healing and find their joy.

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